Barbara Morgan S.T.E.M. Academy (BMSA) opened in the Fall of 2013 to provide students in the west central region of West Ada school district an opportunity to participate in a K-5 S.T.E.M. education program.
Prior to BMSA, the campus operated as a traditional elementary school under the name of Linder Elementary. Linder Elementary began in the early 1980’s and hosted hundreds of staff and thousands of children over the years, many of which have fond memories of their experiences at Linder Elementary.
BMSA provides outstanding opportunities for S.T.E.M. learning throughout West Ada School District. The school’s namesake, Barbara Morgan, has graciously served in an advisory capacity to the school and has visited the school on numerous occasions. Barbara Morgan is a former Idaho teacher that went on to work for NASA, serving as an education liaison and astronaut. Mrs. Morgan has since retired from NASA and is currently a professor at Boise State University.